Server 2 (cash goals) restarts prematurely in Bugs

Server #2 with the cash goals restarts when there is supposed to be 4-5 days left, in the "story book" it says that the server is supposed to restart at 2600

Client crashes when hosting multiplayer in Bugs

I hosted a multiplayer game, my friend joined, and the client crashed. This has never happened with regular openttd and I did not notice it before the 13.1 update. This has happened every time. Also, my friend has the normal game through steam, but I do not.

Event Request: Noob weekend in General

That would be awesome

On server restart, new game is different climate in Suggestions

Every time the server restarts, It changes to the next climate, so that over the course of a few days, the climate cycles.

Quests link from profile page in Bugs

On my Profile page, when I click on quests, It says "error 500". It says to contact if it persists, and It has. Can anybody tell me whats wrong or fix this?