Command Description
!help displays basic help
!topic display topics with detailed help on FAQ
!topic <topic number> displays help on chosen topic
!hint display hint for City builder games
!score displays current company scores
!rules displays basic set of rules
!login <name> <password> logs in your account
!timeleft time left to game end
!goal displays game goal
!quest displays available quests
!admin <reason> calls moderator to solve rule breaking
!town <company number> displays info about your town (with no parameter), or about other company town
!clients shows connected clients
!info displays schedule for current server
!resetme resets your company. You will not be able to create new company for few minutes
!best displays best games of current game setup
!me displays your rank
!rank displays rank from chosen position, default is from first
!name <new name> sets new name
!saveme saves your company from autoclean, only if you have positive money balance
!limits displays some game settings like vehicle limits, cb area, ...
!target shows target of the current game, if the game is goal game
!dupclients shows clients on the same IP
!register <password> registers new account with current name, disabled on normal servers. Use website to register account
!allprofit displays amount of vehicles with positive profit
!allcargo displays amounts of transported cargo for each cargo type
!goalhelp shows goal commmands
!cargohelp show cargo commands

Quest commands

Command Description
!cv company value
!income annual turnover
!cargo2 cargo transported during last quater
!cbv city bulder value - income from cargos like passengers, mail, goods, food and water
!cargo total cargo transported
!balance account balance
!map percent of map resources transported
!trainbus income from trains and busses together
!rating performance
!factory number of built factories
!primary number of built primary industries
!air income from airplanes
!city city builder value (population)
!mailincome income from mail
!trees number of trees planted
!loantree displays 1, if no trees were cut while building infrastructure, otherwise 0
!steam income from steam locomotives
!diesel income from diesel locomotives and trucks which transports only dirty cargo (coal, oil, iron ore, steel)
!balancey balance in first year only
!rcfactor <company number> number of 3-engines trains with profit (no transfer) higher than x times their running costs,
!aircrash number of crashed airplanes
!traincrash number of crashed trains
!roadcrash number of crashed road vehicles
!hero number of months you supplied one village with food and water (show only the village with highest month count)
!attrain annual turnover from trains
!atroad annual turnover from trains
!atship annual turnover from trains
!atair annual turnover from trains
!atnotrain annual turnover without trains
!station income from two stations (0 when more than two stations)
!terraform number of terraformed tiles
!vacations amount of transported tourists, goods, and food (show the lowest number of the three)
!trainincome <company number> annual income from trains with no transfer
!A<cargo name> total amount of chosen cargo transported
!I<cargo name> total income from chosen cargo transported
!T<cargo name> total amount transported to claimed town in city builder
!busincome <company number> annual income from busses with no transfer
!ind <company number> number of industries built by company
!store <company number> current maximum amount of stored cargo in one station
!dincome number of years with consecutive doubled income (first year must be at least 200 000 GBP)