Welcome to CityMania, the most advanced OpenTTD community!

  • We have several servers with various game modes. Each game mode has a specific goal. It may be reaching a particular amount of money (balance/cash), growing town (city-builder/CB), or completing quests. All servers run automatically and restart either when goal is reached or time runs out.
  • All game modes are fine-tuned and highly competitive. Your score is determined by your skill and game knowledge, not luck, map generation or other crap. Check our best scores and try to beat them!
  • Before you start playing please read our server rules. We have moderators watching over servers, you can attract their attention by saying !admin <your reason for calling> in game chat (not console) or place a sign with message !admin <reason>.
  • Ingame chat is shared across all our servers and IRC channel. Feel free to ask even if you don't see anyone on same server, you still can to get response from players on other servers or IRC.
  • Register on our website to secure your nickname, keep track of your games, gain exp points and tons of other awesomeness. If you are already registered say !login username password in game chat to log in (don't worry, others won't see it, just don't forget starting ! sign).
  • Download our OpenTTD client, it has some neat features that will allow you to build faster and see more. Also it's fully compatible with vanila OpenTTD meaning you can play with it on other servers too.
  • There are lots of other commands you may want to try: !best, !goal, !score, !rules, !timeleft, !resetme. You can find full list here.
  • If you had a Novapolis user account you can access it on CityMania by doing a password reset. If you have some trouble with password reset process (e.g. lost registration email) please contact dP or darulezzz on Novapolis or our IRC channel: #citymania.chat (citymania.org:6667)